Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
apparently to commit suicide.
i was waiting at a traffic light in the middle of the night and there weren't any cars on the road when i suddenly saw this chicken running quite quickly pass my car and down the road. it just kept on running and running and i couldn't see anything chasing it or find any reason why it was running. it was both a bit amusing and perplexing at the same time. you don't often see chickens running at full speed without any reason do you?
after the light turned green, i went down the road the chicken took and i saw the chicken on the opposite lane trying to cross the road a little distance ahead of me. an oncoming car drove by and i couldn't tell if it hit the chicken or not as the headlights were quite bright.
next thing i saw was a dead chicken lying on the road in front of me. i'm assuming the car probably hit the chicken and it flew over to my side of the road. if that was the case..the chicken flew quite far after being hit.
or maybe the chicken i saw running was trying to get to its dead pal on the road.