Luis Royo
I'd like to draw your attention to a particular person. Luis Royo. If fantasy and sci-fi is your thing, this guy has a really fantastic collection of paintings.
His stuff is dark, bleak and at times highly sensual with nudity so it may not be everyone's cup of tea. There are also paintings of women and humanoid creatures engaging in indecent activities. It's not meant to shock you like a horror movie and there's no gore, but it's definitely something you don't see everyday. It's done quite tastefully and elegantly though, if I might say so.
He also does book covers, which may explain why some of his stuff looks as if they might have come off from the cover of a book.
The following site has high quality scans of his works.
Here are some samples.

Salut, si tu aimes Luis Royo j'ai créé un site qui lui est consacré et qui devrait te plaire. Viens y jeter un ptit coup d'oeil quand tu voudras ;)
Xavier, webmaster du site
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